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Mobile app
The best assistant for planning flights and booking hotels around the world!
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City.Travel — Travel by your rules!
The app will be useful to those, who have already decided on their destination, as well as those who are always up for a trip and want to keep up to speed with lowest prices for flights from their city.
Quick search
Search for the cheapest tickets using a unique search algorithm
Save search history
Convenient filtering and sorting
The largest flight database
The largest database of flights, connection and combination options
Always up to date information on the fares of Russian and international airlines
Possibility of comparing prices, time and fare conditions
Secure and easy purchase
No additional mark ups and hidden fees
Autofill data, buy tickets saving your time
Secure credit card purchase with the 3D‑Secure protocol
Personal profile and additional services
Customer support service
Free notifications by email and sms
Private fares for loyal customers of City.Travel
Special conditions and airline discounts
Save search history
Best prices for flights and hotels in your phone
Download the City.Travel mobile application
Travel by your rules!